Solid State Lidar - The RS-LiDAR-32 is a line of mass production 32 beam solid-state hybrid LiDAR products developed by RoboSense for Autonomous vehicles and other mobility / Autonomous driving applications

This range of Lidar products are developed to OEM requirements, which asks for not only stronger performance in the high-speed driving environment, but also a smaller footprint.

Designed with a generous 40° vertical FOV, the laser heads of RS-LiDAR-32 are lined up with smaller interspace in the middle part , which gives an amazingly high vertical angular resolution of 0.33°, and larger interspace on both ends. Such design steers the scanning region of interest to the driving space and gives the 32 beam LiDAR even higher performance than that of 64 beam LiDAR products.

Click here for further information on the Robosense RS-LiDAR-32


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